As part of an ongoing beauty routine, a good salt scrub can be worth its weight in gold.
More and more women, and men, are beginning to realize just how important a scrub can be when it comes to looking and feeling great. The increase in the availability of Dead Sea cosmetics is also making high end scrubs more readily available, which means more and more skin is receiving the tender loving care it deserves.
Here is a look at some of the reasons using a scrub could be beneficial to you.
Remove Dead Skin Cells
Dead skin cells have a negative impact on the skin as a whole. While these cells are mostly microscopic, their buildup can result in spots and other blemishes. They also result in dry skin. By using salt scrub to the body and face, these troublesome dead cells are removed.
Remove Bacteria
Dead skin cells are not the only disruptive element your skin has to tackle. Bacteria are also a potent spot-generating ingredient and can also lead to further unhealthy breakouts, not to mention illness. Again a scrub made of salt has the abrasiveness to remove these bacteria and set your skin on the path to health and beauty.
Unclog Pores
With the dead skin and bacteria long gone, a scrub can works its way into your pores, opening them up for a good clean and some fresh air. The result is healthy looking skin that is less prone to further bacteria.
Prevent Dry Skin & Promote Regeneration
Dead skin cells are also a common cause of dry skin. They prevent your new skin from ‘breathing’, leaving it to suffer below a layer of unwanted dead cells. Scrubs remove these dead cells and allow regeneration, which in turn allows your new skin to flourish.
Improve Circulation
As your skin flourishes, you’ll also find that your circulation improves. The abrasiveness of the salt-laden scrub helps induce blood cell movement. Obviously the freer your blood moves the better, but in addition this also means you’ll have more color to you appearance.
Look Younger & Healthier
Put all of this together and you have skin that is not only healthier, it’s noticeably healthier and more youthful looking.